Friday, December 9, 2011

What is this magic?

So, I've decided to give in and start a blog.  I don't take pictures too often and I occasionally use run-on sentences, but I figure if I don't start now I'll just have to start later.  I'm really not sure what to write, so you can expect this blog to be full of really random thoughts and plenty of youtube links.  Also, be fully aware that there will likely be at least one Harry Potter reference in each post as well as some spelling errors. So, here we go!
My name is Lauryn and this picture basically sums me up:
I am currently 20 years old and married to the love of my life, Samuel Doria.  We're currently living in Salt Lake City in our cramped one-bedroom apartment and loving it!  Sam is studying computer science and I've decided to take a year off of school to work and build up some money for tuition next fall.  It's been nice to have a break, but my job keeps me really busy, so it doesn't really feel like a break at all.  I work at Barnes & Noble and it's pretty much a blast!  I love being around books and working with the great people there.  I even just got a promotion, so I'm making the big bucks now! HELLOOooooooooooo $8.25 hourly! Woot woot!  Sam is working two jobs as well, so he's basically my hero.  He works at Gamestop on the weekends and at Verizon during the week.  I've never wanted a smart phone before, but now that he has one for his job, it's difficult to stop playing with it.  PLUS it's an HTC, so when it's raining outside, it flippin' rains on his phone! Love that weather app. :)
This is me and my wonderful husband Sam on our wedding day (like you didn't know....the dress isn't a dead giveaway or anything....).  We were married in the Logan temple on May 4, 2010.  It was a crazy day, but definitely one of the best of my life.  I thought I loved him then, but I am so much more in love with him now after a year and a half than I was on our wedding day.  He is my everything and I don't know how I ever lived without him. :)  So in all truth and honesty, TODAY is the best day of my life because I am with Sam and loving him more each second! 

Sam and I both enjoy playing games together, watching movies, going on walks, and visiting with friends.  He has opened new worlds to me and I must admit to you all that I have indeed played World of Warcraft and that I have referred to it as "WOW."  I also enjoy playing League of Legends, Starcraft, ANY of the Zelda games (though that comes from my childhood), Roller Coaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, Warcraft III, Super Mario Galaxy, and Diddy Kong Racing (shout-out to my good friend, Stephanie).  
I play the violin, but not nearly as much as I should.  I think my stake is trying to get a combined orchestra together though, so I may just have to try that out to keep my fingers in shape.  I love to draw and paint and I'm actually pretty good at it.  I've won a few awards with my pieces and I'm eager to continue developing my talents.  I don't have any pictures of my work at the moment, but I'll post some later.  I've been thinking of majoring in art, but I'm not sure what I would do with an art degree.  I thought about teaching for a while, but I don't know if that's really for me.  I have a lot of other interests, so I really just need to pick a good major and stick with it, but at least I have until next fall to decide.  I already have my Associates of Science degree, so really school from now on is just whatever I want it to be.  So that's my next big decision in life.

Well, now that you all know a little bit more about me, I'm not sure what else to do....I guess enjoy this comic? It's one of my favorites.

And yes, I have considered a degree in the scientific field as well. Maybe meteorology, so I guess this could potentially be my future....

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